Using Display Cabinets Properly

09/06/2012 16:39

If you have a display cabinet at home, have you thought about how you use it? Are you utilizing it to its maximum capacity? If you’re like most people, you probably got your display cabinet as part of a set, or bought it because it looked good in the room. However, since you don’t know what to do with it, maybe you just dump a bunch of stuff in there. That can make it look sloppy and unorganized.

Display cabinets

If you have a display cabinets, you should use it properly. Surely, you must have something you can place in there, such as family heirlooms, collections, or something precious you want to display and protect. The great thing about such cabinets is that you can place items for display, while protecting them from dust, dirt, and even theft.

Display cabinets

Make sure you place only the most precious items in the cabinet, as you don’t want them to overwhelm your viewer. Place the best items at eye level, so people’s eyes will be drawn to them first. If you have lights installed in the cabinet, make sure all of them have working bulbs, so you can use these lights to highlight any particular items.

Display cabinet

Porcelain sets, whether brand new or antique, are really great pieces to display in a cabinet. You can place a complete set in the middle shelf, and place the rest in drawers to protect them. You can place crystal and glass on the top shelf, and will be especially effective if you have lights placed there.